Saturday, January 3, 2009

Where do I start?

This is my first blog entry! I've been meaning to start this for quite some time but never seem to get around to it. And then I've also put it off because I don't know what to write in a "first entry". I'm pretty sure no one will ever read this but even so, it will be good for me to ramble off my thoughts even if it is to a machine and not a person. So should I tell a little bit about myself? Seems like a good idea. I'm a 29 year old mother of 5. I have 5 daughters aged 9, 7, 4 1/2 and the last two are twins aged 23 months. It's crazy, it really is. Life doesn't slow down anymore, it's go go go. I often find myself remembering life with just 2 and thinking how quiet it was back then. Although at the time I thought I had a handful, hah! Not that I want it that quiet again, of course not, going on to have 3 more has been great, even if it is crazy. My 3rd baby was such a good baby though, you know, she didn't cry unless she was hungry, went to sleep right after I fed her as a newborn, slept through the night at 2 months, etc... like she really was an angel baby. So I remember thinking, wow I should just stop at 3 and all will be well. (I should mention that my first baby screamed for the first 4 months of her life and my 2nd baby was so sickly that she was a miserable child till she was 3). Anyway, lucky for me I know that having children is well worth the effort and when my 3rd daughter was 2, we decided to have "just one more". Although I wasn't expecting it, I again got pregnant pretty much as soon as I thought the word "baby". At week 14 I had an ultrasound just to make sure everything was running along smoothly. My husband actually came to the ultrasound with me, which I'm kinda surprised at looking back on it, seeing as how it was our 4th pregnancy and we had done it all before. Of course in Canada they make the hubby wait in the waiting room until the tech is all done. So the tech was taking a while, I thought it kind of odd but tried not to worry or think much of it. Apparently my hubby was growing a bit concerned in the waiting room. Finally the tech brought him in then told us to "hold on to our hats". She turned the screen towards us, pointed to it and said "so there's 1 baby", then moving the mouse thing over and said "and there's the other baby." My jaw really did drop open. It was a complete shock, nothing about the pregnancy so far had been different and I wasn't even really showing yet. The tech printed out some pics for us to take home. Over the next few days I had to constantly look at the pic of 2 heads just prove to myself it was true. Both my husband and I didn't believe it. We also learned that day that they were identical twins sharing 1 placenta which worried me after doing some research, but I was assured by my doctor that there was nothing to worry about. The fact that they each had their own sac was a very good thing.
It is time to get little ones ready for bed. I will write more about my whirlwind twin pregnancy another time.

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