Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I love having twins...

After posting that last post (which I actually wrote a year ago) I just had to give a quick entry about how cute and amazing my twins are. They are 23 months now, about 3 weeks till their birthday. I just looove seeing them hug each other. It is really the cutest thing, I haven't been able to get a picture of it yet. Makes having twins seem more worth it when they do cute twin things. Much nicer now than having 2 screaming newborns with a rambunctious 2-year-old running around. Each of my twins got riding cars for Christmas. Every once in a while they will each stand up at the same time and switch cars, without speaking or even looking at one another. I've witnessed this at least 3 times and it amazes me. They often look for each other too although they are very seldom apart (which probably isn't a good thing). They rarely separate themselves from each other. Often, when one walks away and the other doesn't follow right away, she'll come back and get her sister. Very sweet. I never wanted to separate them as infants because I was worried they would miss each other or feel vulnerable without the other there. Since November though (we moved to a new house and had to give them toddler beds), they've been refusing to nap and playing with each other instead. So over the past week I've been putting them in separate rooms to nap and it's been working! It is probably a good thing for them in the long run too. I don't plan on separating them for kindergarten though, but that may change. This is a quick, not well written entry but I am babysitting an 18-month-old boy now so I better pay attention to them!

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